
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My Writing

Kia ora Hi and welcome back to my rangitaki - Blog

Today in Week 6 Term 4 we have been learning about Poems by Micheal Rosen's .  At the start we had to watch a video of him doing Chocolate Cake and them we had to notice what he was including in his Chocolate Cake Poem and how he was making it funny to make people in his audience laugh and the people who are at home watching it to.  Then after that we had to watch more video's and what he has include in the Chocolate Cake Poem.  For our Create we had to think about when was the last time we were in trouble and record it on a Screencastify, 

Here Is My create 


 Kia ora Hi and welcome back to my rangitaki - Blog 

This week for reading we are looking at Michael Rosen's amazing poems.  In my workshop we Talked about  what one of Michael Rosen's poems we can do in the end I had chosen Don't  this poem is about Micheal as a child how adults would tell him what to do and what not to do.  my create this week was Using this poem as inspiration, create a picture of the image that your have visualised while reading it.

 my goal was visualise using all of the senses, and talk about how this enriches meaning. 

what is your Favourite poem?
What do you rate My work of of ten?

Thursday, November 4, 2021

House of Bricks Reflection

 Kia ora and welcome back to my blog!

earlier this year Tumu hub had house of bricks visit here is my reflection.

My favourite Lego activity was the race cars because it was fun working with my teammate and changing the bits that we did wrong. My partner and I didn't make it to the top 5. 

My least favourite Lego activity was in Kaupeka because in my group the Kaupeka students didn't listen and pulled apart all the bricks that my friends and I put down and made them into towers.

The activity that tested my perseverance the most was the mosaic because once I had done one design I had no clue what to do next. I struggled finding something new but with a good look around the room I still had no clue what to do. In the end I made a new one that took a lot of grit.

The challenging activity was the towers because  we struggled for 15 minutes to build a tower. We came last because the tower broke at the last minute but we still worked really hard. There was one thing I didn’t like was that we had a group of ten and if we got into smaller groups we could have got a lot more done in the time we had. 

I enjoyed working collaboratively with others because we could share our ideas with each other and ask for help/advice. I would love to work in smaller groups more often.  

Have you been to see the house of bricks?

Friday, October 29, 2021

My Reading!

Kia ora and welcome back to my blog. I´m Lauren and I am going to be talking about my reading create!

In  my reading work shop on Tuesday  me and my class mates read about pollution what it is and who we can make less. pollution is stuff thatś  bad for the environment and the earth and we can stop have this problem if we you´s stuff that´s not plastic.

Here is my create... 

What do you think of my work this week?

Magnificent Maths!

Hi I´m Lauren and welcome back/to my blog!

This week my goals are:Goals: read and order any number up to 1000 000, order unit fractions 1/10, 1 /8, 1 /4 , 1 /2., read any fraction. this week the main goal we focused on was order any unit fractions. In the work shop we watched some videos on what order unit fractions.

Here is my create 

I think I did well this week because I made my work clear and easy to understand.

I think I did well in my work this week.

what do you think I can do better on my work this week?  

Friday, October 22, 2021


 Kia Ora Bloggers,

This week for reading we had two goals we needed prove. Our Goals were to use reference sources (e.g.,online/ dictionaries and thesauruses, google ‘define’ ) to find the meanings of new words Ask higher level questions about the text, such as 'why' and 'how'. Make connections between Texts.

In our workshop we read an article called Possum Problem, while reading the article we made questions. After the workshop we wrote five words we did not know from the text and went online dictionaries and thesauruses' to find out the meaning of those words.

Here is my word meanings doc:

Now moving on to our create. Our create was to make up five questions using why, how and should.

Here is my create:

What can I do better Next week?

Gospel Refction

Hi and welcome back to my blog!

This week for RE we have been learning about Mark 10:  35 - 45 
Georgia and I made an Animation on this weeks gospel. We needed to include a clear understanding of the gospel.

The main massage  of the gospel is if you want to be great be a servant.

I think we did well in our work this week because we gave a clear understanding of the gospel this week.

I think we did a really good job and there is nothing I think I can do beater what do you think?  

Here is My Create...

What do you think of My work this week?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Pursuesvie writing

Hi and welcome to my blog.

This week we have been doing persuasive writing and the topic I chose was 'Kids should not watch TV before bed on a school night.'  My goal was to - Use Vary sentence beginnings, structures and length. Write simple and compound sentences (by using conjunctions). Use some complex sentences. Use simple and compound sentences with a variety of beginnings, lengths and structures. Use some complex sentences to create pace, flow and interest. Use linking words and phrases to link some paragraphs.  

 I did well this week because I manged to persuaed my sister not to watch TV before bed.

Next time I can do better by coming up with better ideas.

What do you think I can do better next time?
Do you think you can do some Pursuesvie writing 

Friday, August 6, 2021


Welcome back to my blog!

This week we watched a short film called umbrella we wrote a short sniped of the video.
I loved every thing that I did this week.

I did well this week because  I made my work different to others and I used my own ideas. I really enjoyed doing this snipped of writing. 

Did you like my work this week? 
Do you have any feedback for next time?

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 Welcome to my blog! This week I made a happiness recipe!

This week we were learning about happiness.

 we read did Albert Einstein Did Albert Einstein Discover the Secret to Happiness?

I did well this week because I had to got to go to the principle because it was so good! 

there is nothing  I'll like to change!

what do you think of my work this week?

Have you make a happiness cookies?

Tumu Hub Team Birthdays!

Welcome to my blog this week for maths we did a Statistical Investigation on Tumu Hub Birthdays  

Our goal was  display data using a stem and leaf graph, choose an appropriate data, display using more than one variable, interpret information from graphs plan an investigation.

I used a bar graph and a stacked column chart to  show my work.

I found out the the most people in Tumu are born in April and the least people are born in July.

I did well in my work this week because the graphs are clear and easy to under stand!

I can do better in my work this week by adding stuff that makes it eye catching!

What do you think of my work this week?
have you made  Graphs  before?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Magnificent Margaret Mahy!

Welcome to my blog!

On Thursday 20th of May Tumu hub went to town to help us with our P.B.L.  Here is what I have to say about the trip... 

Mats and Tuna- 

We had a walk around and looked for traditional Māori mats once we had found mat 13  Mrs Bryce explained what the mat meant and why it was there. The same thing happened with all 3 we saw. We walked over to the eels in the river nearby and I got picked to be the first one to feed them. Mrs Bryce gave me a spoon and some cat food on it. There were no tuna out until people saw it but I only saw one. 


Before we could hop in the waka we learned some basic drills to help us as we went alongside the same river we saw the eels in. The left side hopped in the middle of the boat first. I was on that side next to the right side people hopped in the waka and the left side people had to move next to the side.  We started rowing to the other end. It was easy at first then my arm got tired on the way for our last lap. We did a race with the other boat and we won because we went further than them and they turned back before us. But we still won because they cheated. At the end I was soaked!

Victioria square- 

When it was time  Mrs Brown explained what we were doing at Victoria Square. Then she told us to get into pair’s I went with Ava then we set out to explore Victoria Square. We found lots of stuff and we even found that the weeping willow was from french! Next we talked about what we had found while eating. We got a pencil and a piece of paper to draw the pou.

Margaret Mahy-

First we did a scavenger hunt to find lots of pictures in the pavement live migrating tuna then as a group we found them all together, next we got some paper and some crayons to scratch over some pictures on the pavement  so the design came out on are paper I did 2 pages of paper full of art work.

My favourite part of the trip was Victoria square because we got a lot of freedom and I enjoyed all the things we did.

Something I learnt was that the waka was used to transport people to Victoria Square because Victoria square used to be a market and a place to trade. 

The thing I found the most interesting was. Reading the sorties on the pavement in Margaret Mahy.

This trip has helped me with my PBL because I now have more facts about our diving question and I have more ideas to help with that.

I think I did well with my work because I spent a lot of time making it interesting and fun to read!

I can do better with my work because I could do some stuff a lot better in detail.

Have you been to Margaret Mahy and seen the stories? 

What was your Favourite?


Friday, June 25, 2021

My Poetry Anthology

 This week we did some  poetry I made a slide show an=bout all different types of poetry's  

I did well this week  because there is lots of poems
  to read and  copy

I can do better  this week by adding more to my free verses 

 What is your Favourite type of poem?
what do you think of my work  this week?

Cool Maths

 welcome  to my blog this week I have made a slide show showing my learning!

I did well this week because I made  my work easy to read and under stand 

I can do better  By adding more questions. 

What  do you think of my work this week?
can you sole this question the way I did? 124 X 56 =

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Mad Maths

 Welcome back to my blog!  this week I have been learning about Reversibility. for my create I made a goggle drawing about how you do  Reversibility.

I did well this week because I made my video clear and easy to understand 

I can do better next time by adding some more questions to answer. 

Have you ever done Reversibility? 
What have do you think about my work this week?

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Its Matariki!

Well come to my blog to day I will tell you about Matariki!
I have been leaning about Matariki and I have done some resource. There are 9 stars not 7 and  Matariki is the Maori new year! for my create I made a goggle drawing about Matariki and some of it aspects  I made a Screancastafiy about my work.
I did a good job this week because I had to do a lot of resource and I got it done in time!
I can do better  next time by adding more pic to make it more appealing.

What do you know about Matariki? 
What do you think I did well in this week?

Friday, June 11, 2021

Maths Pick -a- path!

 Hi welcome back to my blog! For maths we had to make a pick a path about multiplication.

I did a good job this week because its fun an interesting. 

I can improve in my work this week by making more questions.

Have you done a pick a path before? 
What do you think I did well in this week?

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Magnificent Maths!

 Welcome to my blog. for maths this week we have been learning about tidy numbers and place value. 

I did well this week because its eye caching and bold.
Next time to make my work  better I could  some more questions to answer.

do you know tidy numbers?
What do you like about my work this week?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Queen's Birthday!

Welcome to my blog!

We have been learning about the queen and to showcase my work I made a True or false about the queen's life! 
I think I did really well this week because it was a hard task and I got it done quickly.
I can do better by making it easy to do like a pick a path.

Do you know something about the queen's birthday.
Do you have any feedback for my work.

Māori Myths

 Welcome to my blog!

 This week for are create we had to make a poster about the myth that we pick my choice was Maui finds fire.  

I think I dd well this week because I work hard and made it up to stared.

I can improve in my work this week by adding more info to my work.

Do you know any  Māori Myths?

what do you rate my work this week out of ten?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Gospel Refection!

 Welcome back to my blog. 

This week we have been learning about the  Ascension and what happen we to show case my learning I had to use a quote and make a poster about how I can show it in my daily life

I liked learning about this subject why because I learn some new facts and information      

Next time I can do better at my work this week by writing how I can show it

I'm proud of my work this week because I got it done on time.

- What do you know about the  Ascension?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Bullying Free Week!

Kia ora 

Welcome to my blog. Today I'm going to tell you about the 3 P's.

This week we have been learnt about Bullying Free eek. We learnt what bullying is and what's not bulling. This week to showcase my learning I made a poster about the 3 P's. 

I loved the way I showcased my learning this week because I spent a lot of time making it up to a good standard.

Next time I could do better at the content because I do't have much.

Can you tell me what the 3 p's are?

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Margret mahy playgrond

 Welcome to my blog to day I'm going to share my facts to you about Margaret Mahy Playground! 

Fact 1: Margaret Mahy playground has all sorts of stories in māori carved into the ground. 

Fact 2: During the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes it was pointed out that the playground was one of the most important things to bring back to the city.

Fact 3: When they were designing the playground the thought of making children more stronger and confident.

Have you ever been to Margaret Mahy?

Friday, May 7, 2021

Amazing Anzac Day

 This week we were learning about anzac day. for are create we had to make a comic about the war or the poppies. I did the poppies. 

I Think I did well this week because i worked non stop to get it done.

I fond my work hard this week because i had to go back and forth getting it checked.

do you think I did well this week?

Do you know something else about the anzac poppies?

Virbrit Vine's

 For R.E this week tumu hub had to make a grape Vine with all the good stuff you want in your life and the bad stuff being chucked away. 

 I did a good job this week because I worked really hard.                                            I fond my work hard this week because I was short on ideas.                                                                                                                                                                               what can i do better next time?                                                                                      have you ever made a grape vine like this?

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Maths Madness

 Hi Welcome to my blog

This week we had to use a broad range of strategies to solve 5 problems. 

Do you think you can sole this problem?  549+331

Friday, March 26, 2021

Rad Reading

Kia koa  

Welcome to my blog 

This week for reading we had to make a google drawing about 3 or more native trees in New Zealand. My goal is to use knowledge of words to find the meaning of unknown words and identify important information and relate it to the overall meaning. I'm proud of my work this week because I put a lot of effort into making it outstanding to show on my blog. I think I could do better in my work this week by making my words in it stand out  and making it pop a bit more. 

What is your favorite native tree from New Zealand?

Magical Maths

 welcome to my bolg 

This week for maths our learning goal is to solve problems by using repeated addition with problems involving 2s 3s 5s 10s. are follow up was to answer some questions and one of are own then write skip counting in 2,3,10. I think I did well in my work this week because I got my work done to a high standard.    I think I could do better in my work this week by giving myself a harder question to answer. i want to keep practicing my multiplication.



Can you do multiplication?

Friday, March 19, 2021

St Patrick Day

 Hi and welcome to my blog.

This week we have been learning about St Patrick  and his feast day. 

Our create was to make a google drawing about St Patrick.   

I think that I did a good job on my work this week because I put a lot of effort  into it.

What new facts do you know about St Patrick?

Magnificent Maths

  hi welcome  back to my blog

for maths this week we were learning how round and compensate a tidy number 

I think  I did an outstanding job on my work this week because we got extra hard work.

⛤ do you know how to  round  and compensate a tidy number? 

Friday, March 12, 2021

The amazing create task this week for maths

Kia koa welcome back to blog. 
This week we were learning about tidy numbers. We had to watch a few videos to understand what tidy numbers are then we had to go to a few workshops to get a better understanding of tidy numbers.AC2’s goal  this week was to Subtracting in parts and using Tidy numbers to solve subtraction problems 
I think i did  a outstanding job on my work this week because i was the first finished 
I found my work hard to do because I had to do it twice. 
Do you think you can do tidy numbers?  
Do you think that I did a good job on my work this week?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Exciting Blogging

Kia ora

Welcome to my blog!

This week my learning was how to make a good blog post and comment so I did a

slideshow to represent my learning.

I think I did an outstanding job on my work this week. this was hard to do because  it was full of back and forth back in forth  I enjoy this because it was lots of fun to do. I put a lot of time into this.

What do you say about my work this week?

What do you think I could blog about?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Terrific Te Reo Māori

For this weeks Te Reo Māori, we had to make a conversation using our kupu of the week. I used the kupu to help me this week.
I made a slide to showcase my   Conversation.

Here are our kupu of the week:
tūrangawaewae - standing place
whakapapa - genealogy, family relationship, family tree
tāonga -treasure, anything that is prized
pepeha -a greeting that acknowledges a person’s connections
tangata whenua -indigenous people - people born of the whenua
maunga -mountain
awa - river

Please enjoy. What is your favourite taonga?
